International Children’s Theater Festival- ICTF SOPOT in Sopot, created from the need to hand over to children and young people, working in theater and workshop groups, the idea of creating a spectacular culture.
Today there are many festivals of this type in the world, but they are mostly created by adults. ICTF SOPOT emphasizes the theatrical, musical and musical form created by children and youth up to the age of eighteen.
Thanks to the carefully designed foundations of the festival’s concept, children and teenagers enter into a musical theater setting by mastering SINGING, ACTING GAMES and DANCE.
We want our festival to become a festival of children’s and youth stage work. We care about reaching the largest number of recipients, and thus giving the opportunity to meet on the line “young artist – young viewer”.
A review of dramatic groups – children and youth from around the world, will also allow mutual understanding of traditions and customs represented by different nationalities.
The ICTF SOPOT festival invites all children and youth groups who would like to present their musical and dramatic achievements. Our city has always been a friendly ground for events in the field of theater, music and literature.
Together with the invited guests, and with visiting dramatic groups, we will create an important cultural event with a global reach, contributing to the tolerance, integration and sense of importance of the work of children and youth, as well as the work of adults for children and youth.
We believe that ICTF SOPOT by creating a platform for meetings of creators and exchange of experiences, will significantly affect the development of modern musical theater of children and youth.